President and Principal Economist
1989 M.S. in Agricultural and Resource Economics, Oregon State University
Thesis: An Evaluation of Input Purchasing Behavior at Cooperatives
1980 B.A. in History with additional coursework in Natural Sciences,
Lewis and Clark College, Oregon; nominated for honors
President and Principal Economist, Northern Economics, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska
Ongoing and recent studies include the following:
- Economic impacts of technological advancements in the aquaculture of pen-raised sablefish—including an examination of the market implications and supply impacts to commercial sablefish fisheries as well as potential cost savings to the sablefish aquaculture industry. The study is funded by National Marine Fisheries Service Division of Aquaculture.
- Cook Inlet Salmon Management Study. Project Manager and Lead Analyst. Northern Economics developed the economic portions of the Environmental Assessment (EA) and developed RIR/IRFA/FRFA for Amendment 14 to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for the Salmon Fisheries in the United States Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off Alaska. The final Council decision occurred in December 2020 and NMFS Final Rule was published in September 2021.
- Development of socioeconomic and commercial fishery components of an Environment Impact Statement for U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management for the development an offshore wind farm proposed in the Rhode Island-Massachusetts Wind Energy Area.
- An assessment of impacts of proposed capacity reduction measures in the Eastern Pacific Ocean Purse Seine Fishery including buyback programs, individual transferable quotas, and annual non-transferable fishing limits. The analysis was conducted for the World Bank and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission under contract to the World Wildlife Fund and was completed in April 2018.
- Review of the Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Individual Transferable Quota Program. Northern Economics provided a comprehensive review of Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Individual Transferable Quota (SCOQ ITQ) Program, the first ITQ program to be implemented for U.S. federally managed fisheries, for the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council. The review is structured around NMFS catch share review guidelines and included an evaluation of biological and ecological/environmental, economic, social, and administrative effects of the program, along with an evaluation of program performance relative to its goals and objectives.
Published works and presentations for Northern Economics are listed separately below.
Senior Economist, North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC), Anchorage, Alaska
Responsible for all economic analyses and presentations, including allocations between sport and commercial halibut fishers, between inshore and offshore pollock processors, and between users of trawl and longline gears for Pacific Cod, as well as assessments of potential impacts of Limited Access programs including License Limitation and Individual Fishing Quotas for groundfish and crab. Supervised the work of the staff economist and the data manager/network administrator. Managed contracts dealing with social and economic analyses, model development, and database improvements. Oversaw implementation and the use of in-house databases. Developed programs to enhance future research and analyses facing the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), including cost data collection programs and integrated database solutions. Interacted with other scientists and agency personnel on various planning and steering committees.
Staff Economist, North Pacific Fishery Management Council, Anchorage, Alaska
Provided analysis for specific issues relating to the Sablefish and Halibut IFQ Program, the Vessel Moratorium, and the Original Inshore-Offshore Analysis. Presented findings to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and the public. Responsible for development and maintenance of in-house data collection.
Fishery Analyst, North Pacific Fishery Management Council, Anchorage, Alaska
Created models to analyze the economic impacts and net benefits of sablefish and halibut IFQs. Developed a linear programming model to analyze the effects of a ban on roe stripping of pollock.
1986 – 1989
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.
Analyzed and evaluated farm supply cooperative patronage using seemingly unrelated regression methods, discriminate analysis, analysis of variance, and principal components.
Foreign Fisheries Observer, National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, Washington,
Stationed aboard a Japanese trawler; monitored the ship’s compliance to NMFS regulations.
Volunteer Fisheries Extension Agent, United States Peace Corps, Nepal
Instructed farmers in new, more intensive management practices for increasing fish production. Coordinated distribution of more than 1 million fingerling annually. Distributed loans with development bankers for 30 new ponds. Conducted technical training sessions for incoming Peace Corps volunteers. Worked with community leaders in Nepal and the U.S. to fund and construct a new elementary school building. Helped to establish cottage industries for basketweavers and potters. Initiated, designed, and implemented a computerized data bank to help in coordinating activities of development agencies throughout Nepal.
Honors & Awards
- Thesis selected for presentation at American Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting, 1990
- Award for Outstanding Achievement. North Pacific Fishery Management Council, 1989
- Nominated for Oregon State University’s John T. Babcock Master’s Student of Excellence Award, 1989
- Robert Johnson Graduate Fellowship for outstanding students, Oregon State University, 1988
- DeLoach Graduate Fellowship for Outstanding Graduate Students, Oregon State University, 1987
- Bowerman Foundation Scholarship for Outstanding Oregon Graduate Students, Oregon State University, 1987
Selected Papers, Publications and Presentations
For Northern Economics, Inc.
- A six-year project to document social and economic indicators of change with the implementation of catch share systems in the groundfish fisheries of New England and the U.S. West Coast for the Moore Foundation and MRAG Americas. Available online at
- Economic and fiscal analysis of the long-term effects on the Fairbanks North Star Borough of growth at the Eielson Air Force Base resulting from the installation of two F-35 squadrons. The work was completed as part of a larger project to develop a growth management plan for the borough.
- Managed the development of the initial draft of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for future management actions for the U.S. purse seine fishery in the western and central Pacific Ocean (WCPO). The EIS follows on the U.S. acceptance of provisions of the South Pacific Tuna Treaty in 2016. The draft was provided to the Pacific Islands Regional Office (PIRO) of the National Marine Fisheries Service with an expected completion in June 2019. It is expected that will finalize the EIS and publish it in late 2019.
- Development and refinement of a simulation model to estimated future effects on stock sizes, harvests, and revenues in directed halibut fisheries that can be expected to result from forced reductions in incidental catch of halibut in groundfish fisheries.
- 5-year Review of the American Fisheries Act and its impacts on the pollock fisheries of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands.
- Development of an interactive internet site (www.CatchShareIndicators.Org) that summarizes the impacts of the recent implementation of catch share programs in major groundfish fisheries on the Pacific Coast (Washington, Oregon, and California) and in New England.
- An assessment of the long-term social and economic impacts of a proposed reductions in active military personnel assigned to Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson. The assessments uses the Alaska REMI model a dynamic impact assessment tool which incorporates aspects of four major modeling approaches: Input-Output, General Equilibrium, Econometric, and Economic Geography.
- Coordination and development of socioeconomic portions of the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements for management alternatives for the pelagic fisheries in the U.S. Western Pacific including Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa and the Northern Marianas; for the National Marine Fisheries Service
- Coordination and development of socioeconomic portions of the draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for potential management changes in groundfish fisheries in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska, including existing conditions for involved industry sectors, geographic areas, vessel owners, and workers; described social and economic impacts of each of six program alternatives; for the National Marine Fisheries Service and North Pacific Fishery Management Council
- Developed decision process and methodology to estimate potential impacts of the designation of critical habitat for Steller’s eiders; reviewed U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service document Draft Economic Analysis of Critical Habitat Designation for the Steller’s Eider; for the City of Unalaska
- Sector and Regional Profiles of the Groundfish Fisheries of the North Pacific, a 600-page reference volume that details involvement of 19 industry sectors and 6 coastal regions in Alaska, Washington, and Oregon in North Pacific groundfish fisheries. Prepared with KEA Environmental for the National Marine Fisheries Service and North Pacific Fishery Management Council for inclusion in the Alaska Groundfish Fisheries Programmatic Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
- Individual Fishing Quotas for Alaska’s Sablefish and Halibut Fisheries: allocation Methods and Effects of IFQs on Fleet Capacity. Two reports on the halibut and sablefish individual fishing quota (IFQ) system in Alaska for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Rome, Italy).
- Southwest Alaska and Prince William Sound long-range transportation planning studies, for Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities and Parsons Brinckerhoff
- Analysis of ownership of pollock processors in the Bering Sea and Aleutians Islands and an assessment of the effects of proposed processing limits and excessive share caps within the American Fisheries Act, for the North Pacific Fishery Management Council
- Traffic and revenue projections for alternative ferry systems in Prince William Sound, for the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities and Parsons Brinckerhoff
- Purpose, need, and, initial impact review of exemptions to recent participation requirements for licenses in the Bering Sea fixed-gear Pacific cod fishery for Horizon, LLC
- Assessment of economic importance of commercial salmon fisheries to communities of the Aleutians East Borough, with particular attention to proposed changes in the management regime in response to federal takeover of subsistence fisheries in Alaska; for the Aleutians East Borough
- Traffic and demand analysis for the Alaska Marine Highway System Southeast Alaska vessel suitability study; for Alaska Marine Highway System with the Glosten Associates
- Analysis of attitudes, perceptions, and future directions for Juneau’s Bartlett Regional Hospital. Prepared with Alaska Training and Consulting. September 1999.
- Economic Recovery Plan for the Lake and Peninsula and Bristol Bay Boroughs. Prepared for the Lake and Peninsula Borough and the Bristol Bay Borough. June 1999.
- “Processing Limits on Species Other Than Pollock.” Chapter 8 of Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for American Fisheries Act Sideboard Measures. Prepared for North Pacific Fishery Management Council. May 1999.
- Attitudes of Airline Companies toward Development of an Air Hub in Western Alaska. Prepared for Parsons Brinckerhoff (Seattle, Washington). February 1999.
- Break-Even Demand on Alternative Ferry Systems in Lynn Canal. Prepared for Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities – Alaska Marine Highway System. February 1999.
- Analysis of Proposed License Limitation Amendment Package. Prepared for North Pacific Fishery Management Council. August 21, 1998.
- Fleet Characteristics and Demand for Harbor Space at Akutan. Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. July 9, 1998.
- Assessment of Potential Benefits from Harbor Improvements at Delong Mountain Terminal. Prepared for Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority and Cominco Ltd. November 6, 1998.
- Contents and Implementation of a Social and Economic Database for the Western Alaska Community Development Quota Program. Prepared for Bering Sea Fisherman’s Association. July 1998.
- Summary of Currently Available Information Relevant to the Social and Economic Database for the Western Alaska Community Development Quota Program. Prepared for Bering Sea Fisherman’s Association. March 19, 1998.
- Feasibility Analysis of a Publicly Owned Refrigerated Warehouse Facility. Prepared for the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska. March 3, 1998.
- Estimated Value of Future Fishing Privileges of the F/V Northern Glacier and F/V Pacific Glacier in the Walleye Pollock Trawl Fishery off Alaska. With Mark G. Pedersen of Shapiro and Associates. Prepared for Lane Powell Spears Lubersky (Seattle, Washington). September 1997.
- Groundfish Raw Material Supply for Alaska Seafood International. Prepared for Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority. November 1997.
For the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council
- The Importance of Price Uncertainty in Estimates of U.S. Net Benefits of Fishery Regulations. Presentation to American Fishery Society Annual Meeting, Monterey, California. August 1997
- EA/RIR/IRFA of Management Alternatives for the Guided Sport Fishery for Halibut off Alaska. NPFMC. April 6, 1997. (lead author)
- EA/RIR/IRFA for Pacific Cod Allocations Between Gear Groups. NPFMC. August 7, 1996. (lead author)
- Components of an IFQ Program for the BSAI Pollock Fisheries. NPFMC. January 26, 1996. (lead author)
- EA/RIR/IRFA for the Reauthorization of Inshore Offshore Processing Allocations and the Pollock CDQ Program. NPFMC. August 1, 1995. (lead author)
- EA/RIR and Various Supplemental Analyses for License Limitation Alternatives for the Groundfish and Crab. NPFMC. January, 10, 1996; June 2, 1995; March 9, 1995; and September 18, 1994. (lead author)
- EA/RIR/IRFA for the Resubmission of the Moratorium on the Entry of New Vessels into the Groundfish, Crab, and Halibut Fisheries. NPFMC. April 28, 1994. (lead author)
- Open Access, IFQs, and the Domino Effect: Diverse Management of Multiple-Species Fisheries. NPFMC. December 2, 1993. (contributing author)
- Qualitative Assessment of Potential Elements of Individual Fishing Quotas or License Limitation Programs in North Pacific Groundfish and Crab Fisheries. NPFMC. June 15, 1993. (lead author)
- Supplementary Analysis of the Proposed Amendment 18 Inshore/Offshore Allocation of Pollock and Pacific Cod. NPFMC. September 3, 1992. (contributing author)
- EA/RIR/IRFA for the Proposed Moratorium on the Entry of New Vessels into the Groundfish, Crab, and Halibut Fisheries of the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands. NPFMC. August 10, 1992. (contributing author)
- Supplemental Analysis of the SEIS/RIR/IRFA for Individual Fishing Quota Management Alternative for Fixed Gear Sablefish and Halibut Fisheries. NPFMC. March 27, 1992. (contributing author)
- SEIS/RIR/IRFA for Inshore/Offshore Allocation Alternatives for Pollock and Pacific Cod (Amendment 18/23). NPFMC. March 5, 1992. (contributing author)
- Sablefish and Halibut Fixed Gear Fisheries Individual Fishery Quota System Draft Implementation Plan. NPFMC. November 22, 1991. (contributing author)
- Revised Supplement to the SEIS/RIR/IRFA for Longline and Pot Gear Sablefish Management (IFQs). NPFMC. May 13, 1991. (contributing author)
- SEIS/RIR/IRFA for Longline and Pot Gear Sablefish Management. NPFMC. November 16, 1989. (contributing author)
Other Publications
- “Assessing the Effectiveness of Farm Supply Cooperatives. A Survey of Viewpoints.” Journal of Agricultural Cooperation. 1989. (co-author with Larry Burt)
- Are Farm Supply Cooperatives Meeting Farmer Needs? A Survey of Farmers and Managers Oregon State University Extension Bulletin. March 1989. (co-author with Larry Burt)
- Are Farm Supply Cooperatives Meeting Farmer Needs? In American Cooperation 1987, the Yearbook of the American Institute of Cooperation. (co-author with R. Bruce Mackey)
- Introductory Notes for a Computer Simulation Model of Agricultural Supply Cooperatives: Cost Structure and Service Alternatives for Serving Both Large and Small Farms. Oregon State University, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Staff Paper. April 1989. (co-author with Larry Burt and Jerry Mann)