Socioeconomic Analyst
1995 Ph.D. in Geography, University of Hawaii
1985 M.S. in Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Hawaii
1982 M.S. in Oceanography, University of South Florida
July 2001-Present
Socioeconomic Analyst, Northern Economics, Inc.
Participated in a wide range of socioeconomic projects, including the following:
- Development of sections of a draft environmental impact statement for the South Fork offshore wind energy project, including the analysis of impacts on commercial fisheries and for-hire recreation fishing; demographics, employment, and economics; and environmental Justice.
- Preparation of an economic impact analysis for critical habitat designation of Indo-Pacific coral species listed under the Endangered Species Act. Impacts assessed for American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and Pacific Remote Island Areas, and included administrative costs of additional consultations and project modifications expected to occur as a result of critical habitat designation.
- Drafting of a regulatory impact review of new management measures that comply with Magnuson-Stevens Act requirements for the Cook Inlet commercial salmon fishery in the EEZ.
- Assessment of the potential economic impacts of technological advancements in the aquaculture of pen-raised sablefish, including the market implications for commercial sablefish fisheries as well as potential cost savings to the sablefish aquaculture industry.
- Development of a draft environmental impact statement for the U.S. purse seine fishery conducted under the South Pacific Tuna Treaty, including a description of the affected physical, biological, and socioeconomic environment, and a preliminary analysis of the potential direct and indirect effects of the no-action alternative and each action alternative.
- Preparation of a comprehensive review of the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog individual transferable quota program. The review was structured around NMFS catch share review guidelines and included an evaluation of biological and ecological/environmental, economic, social, and administrative effects of the program, along with an evaluation of program performance relative to its goals and objectives.
- Review of socioeconomic changes in the Bering Sea pollock fishery under the American Fisheries Act program, including volume and value of harvest, vessel participation levels, prohibited species catch, excessive harvesting and processing shares, performance of Community Development Quota Program groups, engagement of fishing communities, fish retention and utilization, pollock product markets and prices, sideboard limits, fishing vessel safety, and management costs and cost recovery.
- Identification and quantification of the economic impacts that may result from the final critical habitat designation for threatened Indo-Pacific coral species in the U.S. Pacific Islands Region, excluding Hawaii.
- Preparation of sections of a biological assessment of the U.S. purse seine fishery conducted under the South Pacific Tuna Treaty, including a description of fishing techniques, trends in the level of landings and fishing effort, spatial distribution of effort, and the management environment in which the fishery operates.
- Development of a website describing the economic, social and ecological effects of the West Coast Shorebased Individual Fishing Quota Program in the West Coast groundfish trawl fishery and the Northeast Multispecies Sector Program in the New England multispecies fishery.
- Preparation of comparative case studies of successful mariculture industries in different regions of the world. Each study includes a description of the industry; a review of the economic impact of the industry; a listing of the reasons for the industry’s growth and of obstacles to growth; estimates of private and public investments in the industry; and a discussion of the relevance of the industry’s experiences to Alaska.
- Creation of a repository for information on a proposed buyback program in the Bristol Bay salmon drift gillnet fishery, including a description of what a buyback program is, drawing on federal and State of Alaska definitions; a review of past U.S. buyback programs; a presentation of possible ways to structure and implement a buyback program, highlighting the potential roles of the state government, federal government and fishing industry; a description of characteristics of the drift gillnet fishery that may have implications for the way a buyback is structured and implemented; and an analysis of possible socioeconomic effects of a buyback.
- Assessment of ability of harvesters in the individual fishing quota program for the Pacific groundfish trawl fishery to develop cooperative arrangements to manage financial risk associated with overfished species catch.
- Literature review of the economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by shellfish production and restoration, and a description of the economic concepts and methods behind valuation.
- Overview of major past initiatives to create a public dialogue in Alaska about stewardship of the State’s salmon resources, including conferences, symposia, summits, task forces, forums, and legislative hearings.
- Preparation of a regulatory impact review and initial regulatory flexibility analysis of the individual fishing quota and cooperative programs for the Pacific groundfish trawl fishery.
- Description of the economic importance of Alaska’s seafood industry, including a historical overview of the growth of the industry; a comparison of the industry with national and international seafood industries; a “snapshot” of the contemporary economic impacts of the industry at the state and regional levels; and a discussion of the economic effects of in-state expenditures for commercial fisheries management and research by State of Alaska and federal agencies and the economic effects of the Community Development Quota Program.
- Preparation of biological, economic and social information for three-year review of the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands crab rationalization program.
- Economic and social impact analysis for an environmental impact statement on measures to reduce seabird interactions in the Hawaii pelagic longline fishery.
- Preparation of a regulatory impact review and initial regulatory flexibility analysis of the designation of habitat areas of particular concern in the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands.
- Preparation of an initial and final regulatory flexibility analysis Initial and Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis of the designation of critical habitat for 18 endangered or threatened salmon and steelhead populations in the Pacific Northwest and California.
- Economic and social impact analysis for an environmental impact statement on bycatch mitigation measures in Pacific groundfish fisheries.
- Written peer review of the Marine Stewardship Council draft assessment report on the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands freezer longline fishery for Pacific cod.
- Economic impact analysis for a programmatic environmental impact statement on groundfish fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands.
- Peer review of an application by the freezer longline fishery for Pacific Cod in the Bering Sea for certification by the Marine Stewardship Council.
- Analysis of the socioeconomic impacts of the Western Alaska Community Development Quota Program.
April 2001–July 2001
Contracted Consultant, South Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Prepared a comprehensive literature review of coastal fisheries in the Pacific islands region as part of the Strategic Action Programme for International Waters funded by the Global Environment Facility. Responsibilities included describing issues relating to coastal fisheries resource management and governance with an emphasis on defining the prospects for community-based initiatives.
May 2000-Present
Contracted Consultant, URS, Inc.
Member of an interdisciplinary team developing environmental impact statements for pelagic, bottomfish, crustacean and precious coral fisheries in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone around Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. Specifically responsible for describing the relationship of fishery participants and fishing communities with the marine environment, and identifying the socio-economic effects of current and alternative federal fishery management regimes.
Staff Economist, Western Pacific Fishery Management Council
Provided analyses of biological, economic and social effects of federal fishery management measures and advised Council on matters related to management plan development for fisheries in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone around Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. Directed research for additional information required by the Council to assess new initiatives mandated under federal fisheries legislation. Served as primary liaison with other government entities and universities to ensure coordination of social and economic research. Represented the Council at outside meetings, workshops and public hearings to discuss Council’s purpose and initiatives and to seek public input in the decision-making process.
Field Coordinator University of Hawaii
Coordinated a project co-sponsored by the University of Queensland and Papua New Guinea Department of Environment and Conservation to document the economic, social and cultural significance of subsistence and commercial fisheries to coastal communities along the northern border of the Torres Strait. Investigated ways in which customary systems of marine tenure and other traditional practices could be integrated into contemporary community-based initiatives to conserve fishery resources.
March 1990-August 1990
Economist, National Marine Fisheries Service
Documented developments in the South Pacific albacore fishery that led to international sanctions against drift gillnet operations. Performed an institutional analysis of fishery management arrangements in the Pacific, and identified specific provisions of previous fisheries pacts and treaties that could facilitate the implementation of a multilateral management regime for highly migratory tuna species.
August 1989– January 1990
Researcher, University of Hawaii
Developed an instructional program for Hawaii agricultural extension agents to improve their capability in providing financial planning assistance to farm families. Organized a workshop on business analysis techniques and co-authored a financial management training manual for use by extension agents.
August 1985– August 1988
Economic Planner, American Samoa Government
Worked with local public and private sector representatives and Federal grant agencies to formulate and implement economic development projects for American Samoa. Accomplishments include initiating an industry recruitment program to attract overseas investors; establishing a $300,000 revolving loan fund administered through private lending institutions to provide credit assistance to small businesses; supervising the collection and analysis of data on the local tuna canning industry; and preparing an annual economic development report for the territory.
June 1982– June 1985
Research Assistant, University of Hawaii
Assisted in research to develop a statistical profile of Hawaii’s charter boat patrons; estimate the socioeconomic value of charter fishing to patrons; and determine the impact of patron expenditures on the local economy. Designed and conducted an economic feasibility analysis of proposed tuna baitfish culture facilities for Guam, Hawaii, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands using shadow pricing techniques.
January 1981– June 1982
Researcher, Oceanic Institute
Participated in an assessment of wastewater recovery projects that utilize agricultural and aquacultural processes. Employed benefit-cost analysis to evaluate the economic feasibility of alternative project designs.
April 1978–August 1980
Fishery Biologist, Peace Corps
Assisted in the management of a UNDP/FAO project to culture baitfish for commercial tuna fishing operations. Responsibilities included planning and coordinating a stocking and harvesting program; developing techniques for catching, holding and transferring baitfish; and collecting catch and effort data for the local pole-and-line tuna fishery.
August 1976– March 1978
Research Assistant, University of South Florida
Designed and implemented a study to examine socio-economic aspects of an artificial reef construction project intended to enhance sport fishing in the coastal waters of Pinellas County, Florida. Developed a demographic profile of recreational anglers and estimated the value they assigned to artificial reefs.
- The whaling tradition of the Iñupiat and St. Lawrence Islanders: A survey of the literature. Paper prepared for Quantitative Description of Potential Impacts of OCS Activities on Bowhead Whale Hunting Activities in the Beaufort Sea, MMS OCS Study #0101CT31135, U.S. Minerals Management Service, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, (in press).
- Outside the realm of economics: What are the implications of environmental ethics for U.S. fisheries management? Paper presented at Third Biennial North American Association of Fisheries Economists Forum, May 25-27, 2005, Vancouver, BC.
- In search of social impacts of fisheries management: A review and annotated bibliography of selected literature. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage. 2002. (with S. Macinko)
- The Strategic Action Programme for the International Waters of the Pacific Small Island Developing States: Synopsis of Information Relating to Sustainable Coastal Fisheries. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Apia, Samoa. 2002. (with P. Dalzell)
- Hawaii’s commercial fishing industry: 1820-1945. The Hawaiian Journal of History 35:15-34. 2001.
- The bureaucratization of forest management in India. Environment and History 6:229-242. 2000.
- Changes and challenges in traditional fisheries of the Torres Strait. Paper presented at Multilateral Ocean Governance and the Globalization of Marine Resources: Marine Environmental Politics in the 21st Century, April 30-May 2, 1999, Berkeley, California.
- The “black white-man”: Torres Strait Islander and Papuan participation in the post-war pearl-shell industry. Australian Aboriginal Studies 2:30-34.
- Use of area closures to mitigate interactions between large-scale and small-scale tuna fisheries. Paper presented at Second Pacific Community Fishery Management Workshop, October 12-16, 1998, Noumea, New Caledonia. (with R. Clarke and P. Dalzell)
- Adapting to change in Pacific pelagic fisheries: Experiences of the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Oceans Conference, October 13-16, 1998, Honolulu, Hawaii. (with P. Dalzell)
- The politics of Papuan labour in the Torres Strait marine industry. Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society 83(1):59-69. 1997.
- The trade of our ancestors: Papuan participation in the early Torres Strait marine industry. The Journal of Pacific History 31(1):58-71. 1996.
- International maritime boundaries and indigenous people: The case of the Torres Strait. Marine Policy 20(3):209-222. 1996.
- Revival of territorial use rights in Pacific Island inshore fisheries. In E. Mann Borgese, N. Ginsburg and J. Morgan (eds.), Ocean Yearbook 12, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 1996.
- The marine realm and the Papua New Guinean inhabitants of the Torres Strait. Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 5:16-23. 1995.
- Customary aquatic and marine tenure in Papua New Guinea: A bibliography with extracts. East-West Center Working Papers, Environment Series No. 36, East-West Center, Honolulu. 1994.
- South Pacific albacore: Prospects for international management. Ocean and Coastal Management 20: 103-119. 1993.
- Establishing international fisheries management regimes: The case of the South Pacific albacore fishery. Paper presented at First Annual Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Durham, North Carolina. 1990.
- Financial management training for Hawaii’s farmers: a handbook for county extension agents. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. 1990. (with L. Cox, D. Jackson and G. Vieth)
- A framework for a benefit-cost analysis of a marine fish culture-stock enhancement program for Hawaii. Report prepared for The Oceanic Institute, Makapu’u Point, Hawaii. 1989. (with J. Hollyer)
- The occupational and educational goals of young residents of American Samoa. Economic Development and Planning Office, Pago Pago, American Samoa. 1988.
- American Samoa: the tuna industry and the economy. In Tuna Issues and Perspectives in the Pacific Islands Region, East-West Center, Honolulu. 1987. (with A. Galea’i)
- Coconut processing in the south pacific: an overview of constraints and opportunities. Paper presented at the South Pacific Regional Coconut Products Manufacturing Conference, Rarotonga, Cook Islands. 1987. (with A. Galea’i.)
- A socio-economic survey of small businesses in American Samoa. Economic Development and Planning Office, Pago Pago, American Samoa. 1987. (with A. Zodiacal)
- Charter fishing patrons in Hawaii: a study of their demographics, motivations, expenditures and fishing values. Administrative Report H-85-8C, Southwest Fisheries Science Center Honolulu Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service. 1985. (with K. Samples)
- The economic impact of fish aggregating devices on Hawaii’s charter boat fishing industry. Sea Grant Quarterly, University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program, Vol. 7, No. 1 and 2. 1985. (with K. Samples)
- Economic feasibility of culturing topminnows as an alternative baitfish for skipjack tuna fisheries in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam and the northern Mariana Islands. Technical Assistance Project 07-06-02160-01, Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 1983. (with Y. Shang)
- Economic feasibility of reclaiming water and nutrients from domestic wastewater on Oahu. Report prepared for Campbell Estate by The Oceanic Institute, Makapu’u Point, Hawaii. 1983. (with B. Plasch, R. Schleser)
- Interviews with artificial reef users. In Artificial Reefs in Florida, Report 24, Florida Sea Grant College, Gainesville, Florida. 1978.
- Interstitial waters of Black Sea cores. In Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Vol. XLII, Part 2, Washington, D.C. 1978. (with F. Manheim)