BCA of dock proposed dock infrastructure
Project Lead: Marcus Hartley
This Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) prepared for the City of Emmonak and the Yukon Delta Fishery Development Association, was prepared in support of a BUILD Grant Application for the barge dock and ramp project in Emmonak. The BCA was developed using the U.S. Department of Transportation’s “Benefits-Cost Analysis Guidance for Discretionary Programs.” The study assessed quantifiable costs and benefits of the Project including capital costs, operations and maintenance (O&M), residual value of assets, direct project revenues, and benefits to commercial fisheries. The study also qualitatively discussed three unquantified benefits: cost savings from erosion control, cost savings from reductions in barge operating costs, and reductions in cost of goods and services.
In 2018 the City of Emmonak was awarded a grant of $23.1 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation.
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