As office manager for Northern Economics, Diane Sauer has a vast array of important duties and responsibilities. Such duties include: bookkeeping, which includes all financial reporting, accounts payable and receivable, payroll, and quarterly and annual taxes; human resource management, in which she manages all matters pertaining to insurance and retirement plans; management of the company’s database and records; and organization of all firm functions and travel arrangements.
Born in Bethel, Alaska, Diane moved to Anchorage at the age of one and has been here ever since. Leisure time is typically spent with her family, summers camping and fishing, and falls hunting. Although the trips had to decrease once her daughter and son were born, they are now picking up again as the kids are becoming fishers themselves. Her work history has been in a variety of fields from trophies and art out of high school, to mental health for 7 years, then North Slope construction for 4 years and in February of 2005 settling in with Northern Economics. Most of her experience through on-the-job training has been in the accounting, office management areas.
Diane’s answers to life’s more important questions:
Claim to Fame: Didn’t exactly make me famous, but I’m pretty proud of them; Bungee Jumping in Las Vegas, and getting a beautiful 4×4 buck and a black bear while pregnant with my daughter.
Great Escape: Quiet room, soft chair, and a good book; a quiet spot in the woods, on a lake or creek, and a camp fire (minimal bugs hopefully); or just listening to my kids laughing.
Curious About:What it would be like to jump out of an airplane (with a parachute, of course).
Why Alaska: No place better. I’ve vacationed in other places but always love to come home to the beautiful mountains and trees.
Dream Vacation: Exploring castles in Europe.
Memorabilia: Mount on my wall of the 110 pound sailfish I caught in Cabo.